Tim Linghaus – Vhoir

Tim Linghaus’ ‘Vhoir’ opens with a tranquil selection of orchestral instruments, arranged and processed together cleverly. The addition of movement captured in field recordings creates the sounds of the accidental and unintended musical moments before a more structured performance commences. I’m reminded of the ambient works of Jonsi & Alex, whose instrumental recordings were often gathered during soundchecks before the musician’s began a planned performance. The result is mesmerising, and produces a fresh take on the modern-classical genre. There are no moments of silence, as background sounds, organic textures, and non-musical sources come together to reveal a deep and evolving sonic world, both spacious and dedicated to nuance. ‘Travel Sketches (Lost In A Bus And Architecture)’ introduces subtle percussion elements, further expanding on the already impressive sound palette that Linghaus has crafted. Released on Moderna Records, each track carries its own sense of place, and encourages attention to detail in the listener. Having listened to ‘Vhoir’ on repeat since receiving it, I applaud Linghaus’ skill in delivering such a beautiful collection of musical works.